Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Adding Final Assets: Level

When it came to adding the finished version of the level that was to be used in the game, the level provided was broken. The assets were all using the wrong rotations, or the scale was completely off. I asked the designers to try and fix it to no avail. On the morning of the deadline, I was asked to add some of the new models to an older version of the level I had been working from in order to create a "final" version of the level

Adding Final Assets: Animations

So the weekend before the deadline the final assets were provided to me and our other programmer (despite asking for assets much earlier to allow time for testing of the poduct etc). This created a rush in order to get everything in game ready for submission.

The first set of assets to be put in where the animations for the player and the two AI models.

I had to set up the animator component so all the conditions were setup correctly for each transition, and then in code, write where each condition was being met. (i.e, on button press for an attack etc)

Friday, 3 April 2015

Super Attack

The final player attack I made was the special attack. The concept for this attack was the player "zips through and destroys the enemies".

To do this I preformed a search for all the AI in the scene and used the Vector3.MoveTowards function so that the character would find and move to all the killable enemies in the scene. This attack is a one hit kill.

Saturday, 28 March 2015


The shop is basically a set of GUI buttons that when clicked modify a variable. The data stored in those variables is loaded in via xml (as disscussed in the last post). When buying an upgrade to a stat, the score the user has built up during the game becomes money, and is used to pay for the upgrades

Friday, 6 March 2015

Load & Save XML Data

As the game is going to include editable character stats i decided it would be a nice feature to be able to save those stats so that the user could come back to the game and have their character saved from the last session.

I decided the easiest was to do this would be to store the data inside an XML file.

This data was then read in through script, and stored as the variables within the player attributes.

I also decided that the data was also to be loaded seperatly when in the shop menu, as the player attributes script doesn't exist there. Therefore in the shop menu the data is loaded stored as a placeholder variable, and then when the user leaves the shop it is saved, and can be loaded with the updated stats when the game starts

Friday, 30 January 2015

Stun Attack

After getting a melee attack in, the next attack added was a stun attack. This attack stuns an enemy fot a set amount of time, allowing the player to either attack the enemy easier, or run away in order to regain some health.

The stun attack works similar to the melee in that it checks a trigger collider in order to determine whether or not the enemy can be attacked.  For this attack to work I added a new bool variable to the AI Attributes to check whether or not the enemy was stunned. This was used by the attack, by checking if the user had pressed the 'KeyPad 1' button, and canAttack was true. If both of these were true then the isStunned bool in the ai attributes was turned to be true.

The timer was set in the AI Attributes script too. In the update loop, there is a check to see if the enemy is stunned, if so then the movement was disabled and the timer would start counting down. when the timer was at zero the the enemy was un-stunned.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Melee Attack

The melee attack is the main attack in the game. It is a simple attack that deals damage to the ai enemy.

The way it works, is the enemy has a trigger collider on it and when the player enters the colliders bounds it will be marked as able to be attacked. If the enemy is attackable and the user presses the 'keypad 0' button, the enemy will take damage

This is currently a simple version of the attack which will be advanced upon at a later date when advances in other areas have been made to allow for extension to this.